The Indian actor for television is Neil Bhatt. He initially entered as a dancer, and He is also a professional dancer. As a contestant on the dance reality shows Kaboom, he launched his career. Subsequently, Neil Bhatt appeared in the dancing reality series Boogie Woogie on Sony TV. At the premiere of Arslaan on Sony TV, Neil made his acting debut. In programs like ‘Jo Ishq Ki Marzi Woh Rab Ki Marzi’ and 12/24 Karol Bagh, Neil Bhatt could be seen. Neil Bhatt first gained notoriety for his performance as Kesar in the Star Plus series ‘Zindagi Ki Har Rang….Gulaal’.
Neil Bhatt’s Early Life And Family
He was born in Vadodara, India, on 4 August 1987. In Mumbai’s Jasudben M.L. School, he was educated. The father of Neil Bhatt is a barrister named Himanshu Bhatt. Sunita Bhatt is Neil Bhatt’s mother. Regarding his family, Neil keeps a low profile. Shikha is the name of Neil Bhatt’s only sibling.
Neil Bhatt: Boogie Woogie
The Indian dance competition tv show Boogie Woogie was created and directed by Naved, Ashu Jain, and Ravi Behl for Sony Entertainment Entertainment Television & Sony Entertainment Television Asia. In 1996, the program made its premiere, with television host and actor Jaffrey working as the show’s permanent judge. The series was co-hosted by Ravi Behl & his sibling Naved, who also acted as the show’s producer and director.
Neil Bhatt: 12/24 Karol Bagh
A comedy-drama television program produced in India The Zee TV program 12/24 Karol Bagh was recorded in the Karol Bagh neighborhood of Delhi. On August 31, 2009, the program debuted. Under the leadership of Ravi Bhushan, the show was created at studios in both Mumbai and Delhi. The series addressed the conflict that exists between today’s young and their parents. The TV show was the catalyst for the fad of Delhi-based Television shows.
Neil Bhatt: Diya Aur Baati Hum
He also acted in Diya Aur Baati Hum, an Indian television serial drama that run from 29 August 2011 to 10 September 2016. Tum Hi Ho Bandhu Sakha Tumhi. Zee TV hosted the premiere of the Indian television program ‘Tum Hi Ho Bandhu Sakha Tumhi’ on 11 May 2015. Neil Bhatt, Kabeer, Sreejita De, & Chandini Bhagwanani were among the leading actors. The movie is set in Agra. The story ‘Tum Hi Ho Bandhu Sakha Tumhi’ centers on a family of five brothers & three sisters. The Pethewala family serves as the story’s focal point.
Know More About Neil Bhatt’s Relationship Status
Aishwarya Sharma was Neil’s co-star in the Serial “Ghum Hai Kisike Pyar Mein” at the time. Neil and Aishwarya are acquainted through the locations of that serial. In the same television show, Aishwarya portrayed the character “Pakhi.” Because of how well the viewers connected with the on-screen couple, Neil and Aishwarya, they also began creating fan pages for Neil and Aishwarya on social media. Their admirers enjoyed watching Neil and Aishwarya get married and fall in love in the end.
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